Saturday, November 20, 2010

dublin city centre

the first week I am in here! this is called a castle or something? I dont know......

Saturday, November 6, 2010

something about recession

to be honest, recession has no influence on me so far. But, seen from the big recession that the United States had suffered, it is absolutely not a good situation.

I spent my college life with four other students who are 1 year senior than me. So, they were caught by the recession, if it is called so, and it was really hard for them to get a decent job. Finally, they have either go further study or have a job which they were not really satisfied with.

And also, my father, who is a businessman doing some retailers in my hometown. He said the recession in the USA do has some bad influence on our country.

So, that's pretty all the things I can know from my own experience. I am so looking forward to read other persons' fantastic experience!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


hi guys

My name is Tingting Xie, from MSBM. I'm from China and this is my first year here. Very glad to know you guys and participate in this project!

Beautiful Saturday.....: )